1. Bardzo się cieszę z powodu wyróżnienia dla pamiętników inkubatora. To dla mnie bardzo duża nagroda i dowód na to, że moja twórczość się podoba i jest czytywana ;)
2. (Muszę zapytać xD) Jak się podoba nowe logo?
3. Notka powinna być w tym tygodniu. Mam nadzieję, że zostanie dobrze odebrana i zasłużę na pięęękne komentarze .
Rovenuś, wyróżnienie w pełni zaślużone Gratuluję Ci serdecznie!
A logo świetne, nieźle przeraża
America Piątek, 14 Marca, 2014, 20:55
its a super painting of alexa chung i rltencey heard about her too, but i heard about her after all the show hype and she was/is all over fashion mags galore! i saw her for the first time in lucky magazine! i hope she does msg you back and you two get in touch. i'm sure it'll happen. talent + good vibes always meet one another somehow! xo.
Omar Sobota, 15 Marca, 2014, 14:44
I have this harpers <a href="http://ekitvlbyr.com">baazar</a>, you captured the picture really well!I can really see the expression here, and her character. Great use of colour as always.I hope you get word of it to her! I'm sure she'd be flattered.. (well, I know I would be if I was her!) So good luck with that.Oh, and I just looked back at my previous comment and realised that there was a weird bit on the end. I must have accidently pasted something from something I wrote to someone else. So sorry about that.. Really stunning picture.
Yuko Niedziela, 16 Marca, 2014, 02:18
Free info like this is an apple from the tree of <a href="http://cweejohbbw.com">knledeogw.</a> Sinful?